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الرئيسية » News » The Justice for Yemen Coalition, in coordination with the Al Amal Cultural and Social Foundation, publishes a report under the title (A Human Rights Defender in Hadhramaut)

The Justice for Yemen Coalition, in coordination with the Al Amal Cultural and Social Foundation, publishes a report under the title (A Human Rights Defender in Hadhramaut)

The Justice for Yemen Coalition, in coordination with the Al Amal Cultural and Social Foundation, publishes a report under the title (A Human Rights Defender in Hadhramaut)

Report: A female human rights defender in Hadramaut faces threats and discrimination
The report paints a picture of the difficult conditions faced by women human rights defenders in Yemen, and underscores the urgent need for attention and intervention. Women human rights defenders are exposed to increasing risks, prompting many to stop their activities, close their organizations, or seek refuge by leaving the country in search of safety.

The case of Amina (pseudonym) highlights the difficulties faced by women human rights defenders. Amina highlights societal criticism, including accusations that women human rights defenders receive foreign funding to destabilize security and break up families. In addition, the report highlights the authorities’ lack of seriousness in addressing cases reported by women human rights defenders, illustrating the discrimination they face when seeking justice. Furthermore, the report highlights the Houthis for their particularly brutal treatment of human rights defenders, exemplified by the case of activist Fatima Al-Arwali, who was sentenced to death after enforced disappearance and a show trial.

INFORMATIONAL BRIEF Human Rights Defender in Hadramout Battles Threats and Gender Discrimination


من نحن

مؤسسة الأمل الثقافية الاجتماعية النسوية مؤسسة أهلية غير ربحية تعمل على إلهام المرأة اليمنية عموما و الحضرمية خصوصا لتكون قوية , ذكية و جريئة من خلال الخدمات المباشرة و المناصرة. حيث تسعى إلى تمكين المرأة في المشاركة الفاعلة في التنمية الثقافية و الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية , المساهمة في القضاء على جميع أشكال العنف والاستغلال ضد المرأة، وإحقاق المساواة الفعلية بين الجنسين, وتمكينها من الحصول على الرعاية والحماية الصحية……

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